Assisted Writing

brown and white long coated small dog wearing eyeglasses on black laptop computer
brown and white long coated small dog wearing eyeglasses on black laptop computer

What is assisted writing?

Well, it is just about what it sounds like. We help you in your process of writing what you are called to write.

That assistance can come in many different forms.

For instance, basic coaching is one way we can assist in your writing. Helping you with tips and ideas to better spread out the ideas you have. Learning ways to use your verbs and adjectives clearly. Methods to describe the setting that your story takes place in. Helping you to keep yourself on track.

We can help with getting a solid outline (yes, you need an outline) in place. key elements of that outline and how to work to stay on track with it.

If you are wanting to publish yourself, we can help in that area. Formatting your book to have it ready for your upload. Advice on who should be your printer. Post publication marketing. And many other areas.

The key to getting good coaching in these and other areas is to identify them. Knowing where you need help is half the job! Via an interview, we can determine the areas you need the most help in.

Then we can determine the cost to you.

Coaching is done on an hourly basis, but the interview and the estimated quote are free.

woman standing on body of water about to hold person's hand
woman standing on body of water about to hold person's hand