Blogs & Periodicals

There's a ton more to writing than just books. Think about the day to day life we have. Newspapers, website content, newsletter (print & digital), e-mail campaigns, blogs, and more! And all that work MUST be edited!

Sometimes in the writing biz it's much easier to write your thoughts than it is to make them make sense. Okay, truth is it is always easier.

So, put into simplest terms, you send your work to us, we clean it up, then we upload or send it back. It is literally that easy.

If you are a thinker and a creative, you might be churning out several blogs a week, so busy getting them ready and in place might add more frustration than completion. We can even provide images that match your conceptual plans.

bundle of newspaper on table
bundle of newspaper on table

This can work for more than just your blogs. Newsletters can be quite complicated to put together. What if you had someone that can not only edit the articles, but knows the process for a good layout, then get them out to your printer on time. Or to your e-mail campaign before the first of the month!

Take that all one step further. Suppose you need someone to make your flyers up for your event or special announcements? Yes, we do graphic design!

Part of all that we offer is formatting books. We can use the same principles for your brochure design, business cards, postcards, and more!

If you need a one-time job, contact us and we'll get a one-time quote for you. If you need something regular, we can give you a quote for a certain amount per month, per job, or per word count.

man in black and white checkered dress shirt sitting on black office rolling chair
man in black and white checkered dress shirt sitting on black office rolling chair