Ghost Writing

Ghost writing has nothing to do with ghosts. In fact, Sapphire Arts Publishing does not publish any form of horror stories. We do work with factual stories on the supernatural, however. If you are curious, we would love to talk about it.

Ghost writing is, simply put, we write your book/story in it's entirety, and you get the credit and sales from it. It works like this:

1. You bring us the concept. That concept gets worked into an outline.
2. After a period of development is completed whereby we determine the time and effort to complete the project (by contract, we would carry the project from start to marketing), we will give the client (you) a quote.
3. If the quote is accepted, we enter into contract and 15% is paid up front.

woman in yellow and black floral dress sitting on brown wooden chair
woman in yellow and black floral dress sitting on brown wooden chair

4. The client will be kept in a bi-monthly loop. At the completion of the first chapter, it will be sent to the client to look over and approve. This can happen with each chapter according to the client's desires.
5. At the completion of approximately half the book, the client is expected to pay an additional 35%, bring the fees to half paid.
6. When the book is completed, the client will pay the remaining fees and the book will be released to their complete possession. At that time, it will be available to purchase as the client sees fit.

This, of course, is a very brief understanding of the process. Ghost writing can be very expensive. We do our very best to make it as cheap as possible. Feel free to search for costs online. That's the best way to get an idea of it. We do not charge anything until the contract is signed. A quote is free.

unknown person writing
unknown person writing