Your Book

What's your book? What's it about? Is it a fictional adventure in the far reaches of space? Maybe a thought provoking suspense? A murder mystery?

Perhaps it's not fictional. It's, instead, the hard, difficult story of your life. A profoundly important biography that will tell the world the painful details that you have endured so they know there is always hope.

Maybe your book discusses keys to a closer walk with God. Or a new found truth that He has revealed to you that you know will inspire others and draw them closer to Jesus.

Most people that have either written a book or in the process of doing so cannot just place it into a few words. It boils inside you and the hope to have it on paper seems overwhelming. Which it should!

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

You are an author! You got this thing inside of that won't quit until its on paper and in your hands.

That's where we come in. We want to help you get that thing out of your head and onto pages for the world to see.

We want to inspire you to keep going all the way!

As you continue to write, know that we will come along side of you to cheer you on. Take the time to explore our website and learn the different ways we can help.

The Difference
We are a full service publishing company. We offer everything from concept to bookshelf to marketing. That means that we can assist in the writing process, the editing process, the design & formatting process, the publishing process, and even the marketing part when your book is complete and ready to sell. The difference between us and other companies that offer similar services is that we are a small company (mom & pop) who are authors and editors ourselves. We know the process and the difficulties ahead of you and desire to truly build a connection with you in the midst of all that will be demanded of you.

Yes, we get paid for our services. We couldn't do this if we didn't. But the paycheck is not our main goal. The connection with you and having the privilege to be a part of your success is! Sounds corny, but it's true. We put everything up front. We answer any and all of your questions. And we will walk through it all with you. We will always be ready to communicate however you need it.

blue wooden house on green grass field
blue wooden house on green grass field

Our story began with us stumbling through the self-publishing wilderness on our own. We learned a lot of hard lessons. We want to help you get YOUR BOOK out there without you having to go through all those pitfalls.

As we said, we will answer any and all questions. Don't hesitate to ask!